I was blown away by Odyssei when it first appeared. The only iOS synth that's a 99.9% match for its hardware is the Odyssei. Everything in my list is or was originally designed as a mono-synth. Zeeon isn't on the list because it's designed as a poly-synth, it just happens to be a well modeled VA synth.

Ruismaker Noir is a drum synth strictly speaking but it's a damn fine bass synth too (and general mono noise maker) so that's why it's in my list.

But in terms of simulation, the Roland Cloud version of the 303 is spot-on. I feel likewise about the TroubleMaker, which be the way I love, but it's not the best 303 emulation I've heard, and in this instance, I'm the one lucky enough to own 2 hardware 303's (purchased in the 80's too so I stand to make a huge profit should I ever decide to sell them - not that I will befor the PM's start overflowing my inbox!). I own the XILS-Lab, XILS 4 on the desktop and that's a far closer simulation. I've never owned a Putney VCS 3 but have been lucky enough to work with an artist who owns 2! iVCS3 may look like a Putney but it sure doesn't sound like one. Shoot me for saying this, but iVCS3 doesn't even come close to qualifying as great.